Pierced ears have become a trend, express your style through the jewelry we offer and dare to combine without limits. See products. The name of the piercings are Helix Zone, Tragus, Daith, Upper Lobe, Lobe, Flat, Rook, Contra helix.


Helix Zone

The Helix piercing is a type of piercing that is placed in the upper part of the cartilage of the ear, in the area known as the helix; It is a piercing that goes through the cartilage and can be worn with different types of jewelry, such as hoops and labret (If it is an initial piercing, more labret is recommended, that is, straight jewelry).


For this piercing you can have different locations such as high Helix, low Helix, double Helix, it depends on your taste!


The helix piercing is one of the most popular options because it is a fairly visible area and allows you to create a sophisticated and original EAR LOOK.



The daith piercing is a type of piercing that is placed in the inner part of the ear, in the area of ​​cartilage that is located just above the ear canal, it is also known in alternative medicine as the migraine piercing, however, There is no 100% reliable evidence to support this information, although many people report improvement in headaches after this piercing. For this piercing, hoops with front rhinestones or the curved titanium banana jewel are usually used directly. The daith piercing has become a quite popular option because its central position allows it to be discreet or striking depending on the type of jewelry.



The tragus piercing is a type of piercing that is performed in the protuberance of cartilage found at the entrance to the ear canal, known as the tragus. This piercing is performed horizontally and as initial jewelry, labrets are generally recommended, that is, straight jewelry with an internal thread system. The tragus piercing is quite popular for those who want a discreet but elegant piercing that often complements other ear piercings.


Upper Lobe

Upper lobe refers to the top of the ear lobe. The earlobe is the lower portion of the ear that is made up of soft tissue and does not have cartilage, therefore it is not usually as painful; Depending on the taste and anatomy of the ear, this piercing allows variations such as second lob, three lobe. As jewelry, hoops with side rhinestones are recommended.



The earlobe is the lower portion of the ear that is made of soft tissue and does not have cartilage. It is a part of the ear that is popular for piercings, as it is an area that usually heals quickly and is less painful than other types of piercings that go through cartilage. The earlobe piercing is probably the most common type of piercing since it is traditionally done from a very young age.



The flat piercing is a type of piercing that is placed in the cartilage of the ear in a more central area. This piercing is performed horizontally through the flat cartilage and due to its location, it generally requires straight jewelry, an internal thread system. The flat piercing is a popular option for those who want to decorate their ear in an original and striking way, since it can be combined with other ear piercings and create personalized designs.



The conch piercing is a type of piercing that is placed in the center of the cartilage in the deep, concave area known as the concha. As an initial jewel, the labret is generally recommended and when it is healthier and deflated, you can use hoops with side stones, although there are some piercers who perform the procedure directly with hoops and it heals correctly. The conch piercing is a popular option for those looking for a striking and original piercing, as it can be decorated with jewelry of different sizes and designs. Additionally, since it is a deeper area, it is an option that may be more comfortable than other types of cartilage piercing.


Forward Helix

The forward helix piercing or also known as contra helix is ​​a type of piercing that is placed in the upper part of the cartilage called the Upper Helix, parallel to the Tragus. This piercing is performed through the cartilage in the direction towards the head and since it is a thinner area of ​​cartilage, it is an option that is usually less painful than other types of piercing. A single piercing can be performed or up to three in a row depending on taste and anatomy. As a recommendation, keep in mind that if you perform several piercings in a row, you will be subject to jewelry with a small topper.



Nose Piercing is a modern and youthful piercing that gives a lot of style to your personality. Nostril and Septum Piercing are the two most used piercings in this area of ​​the body.


The nose piercing is a type of piercing that is placed in the nostril, in the fleshy area that separates the nostril from the nasal septum. This piercing is performed with a sterilized needle and can be worn with different types of jewelry, such as straight labret, spiral sparks, Gring jewelry or clicker. The nose piercing is a quite popular option for those who want a discreet but elegant piercing, as it can be of an appropriate size and design to suit the personality and style of the wearer.



The septum piercing is a type of piercing that is placed in the nasal septum, in the area that separates the two nostrils. This piercing is done at the bottom of the nasal septum and front rhinestone hoops are generally recommended. The septum piercing is a popular option for those who want a striking and original piercing, as it can be visible or discreet depending on the size and design of the jewelry. In addition, it is a type of piercing that can be easily hidden with the appropriate jewelry. It is important to keep in mind that the septum piercing can be a little painful due to the sensitivity of the area and requires special care to avoid infections, such as always wearing titanium jewelry.


Nipple Piercing

The nipple piercing is a type of piercing that is placed on the nipple, in the area of ​​skin that surrounds the tip of the nipple. The nipple piercing is a popular option for those who want a striking and sensual piercing, as it can be visible or discreet depending on the size and design of the jewelry. It is important to note that nipple piercing can be a little painful, especially in men. It is also important to mention that the healing process of the nipple piercing can be longer than that of other piercings due to the sensitivity of the area and generally It always rubs against clothing.


Frequent questions:

What are the different materials that exist in piercing jewelry?


  • Implant Grade Stainless Steel
  • Implant Grade Titanium
  • 14 or 18 karat gold
  • Niobium
  • Platinum
  • Natural stones
  • Bioplastic or Teflon
  • Wood
  • Borosilicate Glass
  • Sterling silver


Can I use this jewelry for a starter piercing?


Most of our pieces are made of titanium and gold, suitable materials for initial piercings due to their absence of nickel, biocompatibility and high acceptance by the body. It is important to consider the type of jewelry appropriate for each type of piercing; Generally, a straight piece of jewelry is recommended for initial piercings.


At what point after the piercing can I change the jewelry?


It is advisable not to change the jewelry until the piercing is completely healed. It is only recommended to bring this change forward if the current jewel is not suitable. It is important to check the specific healing times for each type of piercing.


Are the jewelry Unisex?


In the world of piercings and jewelry, there is no defined gender. The crucial thing is how you feel about the design you choose. Beyond social conventions or stereotypes, what is truly relevant lies in the personal connection you establish with the selected design. In this space for individual expression, each piece becomes a canvas to reflect your style, personality and unique essence.


How long does it take for the order to arrive?


Once the order is confirmed by our payment gateway, we proceed to ship the next business day from Colombia, using a certified courier company. Delivery times are 3 to 8 days in major cities. For international shipping, we offer free shipping for purchases over $150, and the customer bears customs taxes. Delivery is made to the address indicated by the user, to any responsible person of legal age present at the time, with a guide signature as proof. In case of absence, up to two additional delivery attempts are made.


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